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Caroline Watkins
Feb 26, 20236 min read
Thinking of moving to NYC? Here are six tips
Moving to New York City is no joke. If you are considering making the move, here are six lessons I learned through my moving experience....

Caroline Watkins
Nov 22, 20222 min read
life update: I moved to new york city!
Hey, y'all!'s been a minute since I last wrote a blog post, but I'm so thankful to have the time to get back on the blog and...

Caroline Watkins
Dec 20, 20204 min read
5 ways to give back this holiday season & beyond
Despite COVID-19, there are still plenty of ways to give back to your community this season.

Jasmine-Kay Johnson & Caroline Watkins
Nov 20, 20202 min read
life on lockdown: a playlist
When I'm at my lowest of lows or highest of highs, usually one common denominator is always involved — music. Music has been my...

Caroline Watkins
May 22, 20204 min read
8 ways to cultivate a more mindful lifestyle
Lately, my anxiety has been at an all time high. Now, I'm trying to find more ways to live a more mindful lifestyle.

Caroline Watkins
May 15, 20203 min read
5 things you can do to support your local businesses right now
It's no secret that local businesses are undoubtedly getting hit hard by the coronavirus crisis.

Caroline Watkins
Apr 29, 20201 min read
travel around the world with this playlist
Here are some of my favorite songs and artists from around the world.

Caroline Watkins
Apr 17, 20202 min read
brighten someone's day with a sunshine box
Brighten someone's day with a homemade sunshine box!

Caroline Watkins
Apr 10, 20205 min read
10 ways to make a birthday special during quarantine
I don't know about you, but it seems like everyone and their mother are born during the spring months. Yes, that includes my mother's...

Caroline Watkins
Mar 31, 20203 min read
it's okay to not be okay right now
*Takes deep breath, cracks knuckles* Hey, everyone. It's no secret that we are in the middle of yet another challenging week. We are...

Caroline Watkins
Mar 26, 20204 min read
10 creative activities to try while social distancing
Lately, it has been hard to keep track of time. As each day passes, it seems as though I feel less motivated to stay productive and keep...

Caroline Watkins
Mar 23, 20202 min read
the ultimate stay at home playlist
Is social distancing from COVID-19 starting to take a toll on you?

Caroline Watkins
Feb 26, 20203 min read
6 recipes to try from around the world
Due to the recent news relating to COVID-19, you are probably not in the mood to travel anytime soon! I don't blame you. From travel bans...
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